Last weekend, me and my girlfriend went to a strawberry park at Dahu to spend the day.
Getting up early kills me when it's on  holiday but when we arrived at the park, the air is so fresh that let my sleepiness went away.

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 My plan for the winter vacation

I don't really have a plan for winter vacation, I just know that I have a lot of work to do at that time. Every years  winter vacation I have to clean up all windows and doors that my mother orders me to. I have a lot of relatives to pay a visit, because I'm the oldest children at my generation so that I have to gather all the other people in my generation to pay a formal visit to our great grand mother. It's a tradition chinese winter vacation, but I still love to not going to school.

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My mother is the toughest and the most loving woman I know. She is tiny but has a big heart. Her job is a nanny which is taking care of babies at our home when their parents have to work. Probable because of the job so she is very careful with every details of life.My father left us when I'm little. At that time we are alone in New York with no relative and no money. My mother had to find a job to make enough money to bring us back to Taiwan. No matter how difficult the times are now and then, she is always being strong for us. My mother set a great example for to let me know I have to toughen myself when I am facing difficulty.

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December is always a busy month for me.

There is my mom's birthday, Christmas and also preparing for new year.

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Name: 毛柏瑋

Student ID number: AH011368

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Since school this semester started , we already have two long weekends , lots of classes I still don't get what teachers are trying to teach . Especially the class on thursday I only been there twice not because I cut class , just because there is tooo much vacation ! Now I'm worried what I'm going to do at midterm!!

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This  weekend  NBA team Pacers and Rockets were here in Taipei for the Taipei stop of the NBA’s preseason Global Games. My friend told me that he had one more ticket free asking me if I want to go with him .Of course I want to go , so sunday we went to the Taipei Arena and saw the whole game .  The game is very exciting and fun , so  happy both teams come!!!!!

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Since the summer vacation is over , I've attend all my courses this semester. Seems like every courses I take this semester need me to take more time after class studying it . Although there is lots of stuff I need to do after class , it's just filling up rest of mine remaining time . I like to be busy on weekday and I think I'll love what I can do this semester 

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The summer is over , now the weather become comfortable . Still not getting used to waking early and going to school . Though it's cheerful to see all my classmates showing up at school since the summer vaction is over . Most of them just stayed same but I've gain a lot of weight when the summer vacation starts till now .
It seems like that I'm the only one gain weight , letting me feel that I should get starting to lose weight immediately .

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